Unique Process
Invested in the development of integrated photovoltaic processes on TPO roofs since 2005, we help you to successfully meet the challenge of an effective, efficient and safe installation of solar technology on flat roofs. Our concept aims to entrust each specialist with his or her task, while respecting the work of the companies involved in the project and without endangering the durability of your roof.
In addition to this unique process, we have equally set in place a unique European partnership with a PV international leader. This offers you the possibility to have a single person of contact who is in charge of your roof and the installation of your PV production plant; safering your TPO roof and your integrated photovoltaic field.
As PV field on a flat roof has become cheaper and more efficient, it has become a more attractive energy source for many building owners. Therefore, the roof performance is critical for solar installations. CGMA secures a Solar Ready Roof both certified and tested through Notified Bodies.
When investing in a rooftop solar energy system, it’s important to make sure that your roof is ready to protect your building for years to come. Installing the right components can help you to ensure your anticipated return on investment.
We see photovoltaic installations and your TPO roof as a coherent system. CGMA has developed the most efficient photovoltaic mounting system on the market; a unique, flexible, reliable, non-penetrating, durable, very fast to install, secured and automated heat welded system.
Our process combines perfect watertightness, wind and snow load resistance, and installation in compliance with the local rules and European standards. Nothing should be left to chance. Our experience has enabled us to develop a safe, durable and certified system.
Our PV ready-to-install system is a unique and innovative solution for the integration of photovoltaic power generation on flat TPO roofs. With no drilling and no ballast, our system, installed by certified applicators, will be able to accommodate a very wide choice of PV generators without affecting the watertightness of your roof. The photovoltaic installer of our partner will only have to install, according to the predefined process, your PV field.
Our unique process secures the following advantages:
- Without ballast and without fasteners while respecting the wind Eurocode EN 1991-1-4,
- Extremely light 1 kg/ml and without penetration of the waterproof complex,
- The most lightweight concept on the market with less than 10kg /m² (primary, secondary network and panels),
- Unique technical answer for lightweight roof structure,
- Ideal in case of renovation,
- Automated profile heat welding system,
- Existing references with several years of hindsight,
- Very high execution speed (welding at 5 ml/minute),
- Use of standard widths membranes (1.50 m and 0.75 m),
- Dynamically tested in the wind according to ETAG 006 and EN 16002,
- Statically tested according to EN 12316-2 and EN 12317-2 (tensile, peeling),
- Allows the addition of all types of auxiliary accessories (cable trays, circulation trays, etc.),
- No risk of delamination,
- Qualifies for Green Building Council LEED credits,
- The most advanced and innovative system on the market.
Third Party Investors
Companies are becoming increasingly interested in large-scale photovoltaics and their own financing systems. You do not want to worry about the financial, technical and administrative management of your photovoltaic installation; the services of a third party investor can be interesting.
The third-party investment formula can be declined in different forms, but its principle remains the same: a company with a large surface area gives up the use of its roof for a relatively long period (usually 10 years) to an operator who places panels on it, finances the cost of the installation and manages its operation and maintenance. It is also this third party that recovers the financial incentives. The roof owner benefits by buying back the electricity at a lower price than the market price. This third party manages OPEX and CAPEX of your project and rooftop PV systems.
Even in the absence of premiums and tax benefits, the advantage remains. Third-party investment is also suitable for smaller projects. Obviously, the larger the installed surface area, the more profitable the project will be.
This mechanism is very well mastered by our partners, CGMA is able, through its local or international partners, to offer you this type of service. We closely monitor your projects with all parties involved.